Kamala Nehru College Library

Awarded 'A' Grade (CGPA 3.33) by NAAC

Mentor College Under 'Paramarsh' by UGC


Circulation Service:

College Library gives circulation service.It deals with charging and discharging of the document, provide membership card, reservation of books etc.

Reading Room service:

College library well furnished reading room with high skilled staff. Reading room creates peaceful environment for reading.

E-Resources centre on 2nd floor

Library Provide e-resources facility through DULS, it access through DU remote login, DELNET and NLIST to all users. Library brings all open access resources in the form of e-resources, e-journals, e-newspapers, e-magazines, lecture videos etc.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC):

Library gives the OPAC service on intranet to access the library collection.

User Assistance Service:

Library also gives the user assistance service to finding and locating the document on shelves and also gives the answer of different types of queries of student regarding library..

Urkund Software

Check plagiarism check through Urkund Software:-.

Classification Section :

Classify the book.

Exit Point Security

the Exit Gate of the Library when the Bar Code reader reads the Bar-Code, it checks and gives a status whether or not the book is duly issued as per the rules of the library. If yes, the book is allowed to pass otherwise it is not allowed to pass. An audible alarm is set to give warning.

Property counter

Property counter .

Newspaper display

Newspaper display .

Open access service

Open access service .


Periodicals display on the basis on their frequency:.