The college has a prestigious computerized library in all field i.e Acquisition, Cataloguing, Circulation, Reference Service, Serial Control, Binding, and OPAC Etc., with capacity to expand, as it should be, in the Era of knowledge Explosion when so much more is correspondingly being published. The idea specially is, however, to meet the growing needs of teachers and students. Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, Bibliographies, books of interest and information, text-books and recommended books as prescribed in the syllabi of the University of Delhi and the latest publications required by the teachers and students from time to time in their respective field as well as periodicals, magazine & daily newspapers subscribed to, are geared to the same end.
The Library is open throughout the year from Monday to Friday except on Saturdays, Sundays and other Gazetted holidays. The time for the issue and return of books is notified separately as per schedule
A Bar-coded I.D. Number card will be issued to all members. After producing the same, books will be issued to them as here under: -.
A) Teaching Staff: 25 Books + 02 DVD
B) Ad-hoc Teaching Staff 10 Books + 02 DVD
C) Non-Teaching Staff: 05 Books
D) M. A. 05 Books
E) B.A./B.Com/Journalism (Hons.) 04 Books
F) B.A./B.Com (Programme) 03 Books
G) Special Members: 04 Books
Circulation Hours: (Issue/Return Books) 9:15 AM –3:00 PM
A) Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the book before borrowing, otherwise they will be held responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning which entail: .
B) Explusion from the college or
C) Debar from Library membership or
D) Fine of Rs. 500/- along with replacement of book with the latest edition
E) If a book is lost or damaged in any respect, it has to be replaced with latest edition along with other charges.
F) If the damaged/lost book is part of a Multi-Volume Set, the whole set has to be replaced.
A)All books and personal belongings, except a small money bag and small note-book, are to be deposited at the property counter against a token before entering the library. These are to be collected by returning the token when leaving the library.
B) While leaving the library, members are requested to show their files and files covers to the Staff on duty at the exit-gate
C) Access of students to the Stack room is open.
D) If a token is lost by the student, her belongings would be released only after proper verification and payment of Rs. 5/- for the duplicate token. The library will not be responsible for the loss of money and other valuables if kept at the student’s property counter along with their belongings
E) If there are any changes in the General Rules it will be displayed on the notice Board.
A)Loss/mutilation of Bar-coded I.D. card is to be reported immediately to the Librarian. Duplicate bar-coded I.D. card will be issued on payment of Rs. 100/- per card within a month time from the date of report.
B) Bar-coded I.D. cards are ‘NOT TRANSFERABLE’ as they are token of a privilege which only the members to whom they are issued are entitled to. The member, however, continues to be responsible for any loss which the library may suffer through the loss or misuse of her lost card
C) Bar-coded I.D. cards are the property of the library and are to be returned along with dues, if any, at the time of seeking clearance certificate from the Library.
A)Any change pertaining to the class/roll number/subjects should be communicated immediately in writing to the Librarian
B) Any misuse of privilege, any act of indiscipline within the library will be severely dealt with.
C) Marking the reading material with pencil or pen, and the removal of pages from book magazine etc. are most objectionable and may lead to cancellation of membership privileges, replacement of books or any other punishment
B) Members are requested to maintain norms of discipline, keep library property and furniture in good condition, and maintain SILENCE and cleanliness.
As the library is a place of individual study and research, it is obligatory on the part of the readers to maintain an atmosphere of quiet and dignity inside the library. Members are, therefore, reminded the conversation of consultation among st themselves or noise inside the library is not permitted.
Any suggestion for improving the library service will be most welcome. The library seeks co-operation in the observance of the rules and trusts that you will-co-operate fully.